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Raising Awareness of Child Exploitation


Exclusive Resources

You are booked on to the Raising Awareness of Child Exploitation course.

Here you can access the resources you may find helpful before the session. Click on the resource to download it.


South West Child Protection Procedures  is a 'gateway' to the shared child protection procedures for the South West region. In addition to the shared procedures you can also access local guidance for your area by clicking on the local information section within each chapter.

To access the Safeguarding Partnership Child Protection Procedures for your area, click on your Partnership on the page.

Learning Ukrainian
Image by Scott Graham
Kids Playing Tug of War
Image by Sivani B
Image by Marcel Eberle

Appropriate Language

This resource outlines appropriate language to use when writing reports about young people.

Please click on the PDF to download a copy.

The impact of language: Sally


In this resource there are 2 case studies about the same girl. We will look at the impact of language within these case studies.

Please click on the document to download a copy


Push and pull factors


These are statements that you can use with young people to talk about push and pull factors. 

Please click on the PDF to download a copy.



This resource is from The Children's Societ and explains how grooming works.

Please click on the document to download a copy

National Referral Mechanism

These resources are about the NRM, one is a parents guide and the other one is from The Children's Society and is an explanation of the NRM.

Please click on the documents to download a copy


Commission on Young Lives: hidden in plain sight

A national plan of action to support vulnerable teenagers to succeed and to protect them from adversity, exploitation, and harm. This final report brings together their four thematic reports and sets out a policy framework and the scale of investment needed to support vulnerable children and their families. 

Please click on the document to download a copy

Credit Card

Financial Exploitation


The Children’s Society has published two new briefings on child financial exploitation one is an introduction to what financial exploitation is and the other is aimed at professionals. 

Please click on the PDF to download a copy.

Image by Markus Winkler

Exploitation Identification tool

This is a form that is used within South Gloucestershire to identify children who are or maybe at risk of suffering exploitation.

If you work for South Gloucerstershire Children's Partnership please click on the document to download a copy.

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